Effectiveness of Breathing Exercise on Patients with Bronchial Asthma in Out Patient Department of P. S. G. Hospital, Coimbatore.


A. Annalakshmi

College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Coimbatore - 641044.




An interventional study was carried out to improve peak expiratory flow rate of bronchial asthma patients. The study was conducted in pulmonology out patient department of P.S.G Hospital, Coimbatore. The design chosen was one group pre-test post test design and purposive sampling was used to select the sample of fifty subjects with bronchial asthma. The result showed a significant improvement of peak expiratory flow rate after breathing exercise.


KEY WORDS: bronchial asthma, breathing exercise, peak expiratory flow rate.



Lungs are important organ. If lungs are not working properly means, it affects respiratory pattern of human beings. Therefore, respiratory disorder patient needs breathing exercise. Breathing exercise are useful and specific measures to increase the volume of air entering the lungs as well as being expelled from lungs.

Managing patients with bronchial asthma disease is real challenge in the new millennium. Asthma is a chronic disease condition, cannot be cured. But most people with asthma can control. The world wide prevalence of bronchial asthma disease a 0.8 percent (Halberd et al 2003).

The disease is distinctly more common in males. Early recognition of exacerbation is key to the prevention of frequent hospitalization and possible acute respiratory failure. Nurses caring for the patients with bronchial asthma disease should have a strong knowledge base and understanding of the symptoms.  Reflective exacerbation events (D. Donnel, et. al 2003 )



1.       Assessment of peak expiratory flow rate of bronchial asthma patients.

2.       Demonstrate and encourage patients to practice breathing exercise.

3.       Reassessment of peak expiratory flow rate of bronchial asthma patients.




H1: There will be significant improvement in peak expiratory flow rate of bronchial asthma patients with breathing exercise.




One group pre-test and post test design was adopted for this study.



The study was conducted in P.S.G Hospital pulmonology outpatient department.



Patients with bronchial asthma.



Purposive sampling technique was used and a total of 50 bronchial asthma patients were selected as participants.



Peak expiratory flow rate device was used for assessing peak expiratory flow rate of bronchial asthma patients.



Data was collected for a period of 30 days. Breathing exercise was demonstrated and encouraged the subjects to practice the same for 4 times in a day at one hour interval same thing was carried out for five days. Peak expiratory flow rate was assessed before and after breathing exercise.



Appropriate statistical technique was applied to analyze data to find out the significance. ‘t’ test as adopted to find out the significance of increased peak expiratory flow rate among bronchial asthma patients.


Comparison on pre and post test peak flow rate scores of study subjects.




Mean difference

‘t’ value

Pre test





Post test



P< 0.05= 1.676



1.       Majority of subjects were between the age of 20-30           years (40%).

2.       Majority of subjects were male (58%).

3.       Majority of subjects were mill workers (54%).

4.       The mean pre test value was 32.16 and decrease 21.06     during the post test.



The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of breathing exercise of bronchial asthma patients. The result shows that the mean pretest of peak expiratory flow rate 129.16 and increase to 304.1 during post test.


The calculated ‘t’ value 32.49 is greater than the table value 1.676 at 0.05 level of significance. There is a significant difference between pre test and post test mean score and it confirms that breathing exercise has influenced the peak expiratory flow rate.



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Received on 21.07.2011          Modified on 18.10.2011

Accepted on 16.12.2011          © A&V Publication all right reserved

Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 1(4): Oct-Dec. 2011; Page 103-104