Effectiveness of a Structured
Teaching Programme regarding Knowledge on Health
Appraisal of School Children among Teachers of selected Government Primary
Schools of Davanagere
Mr. Prasannakumar
D R1, Mr. Rudramuniswamy J M2
1Assistant Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
2Staff Nurse, CG District Hospital, Davanagere
Author Email: prasanna.spb2@gmail.com
In India, about 30% of the total population
is comprised of school going children. Thus, school children constitute a vital
and substantial segment of population. They are the future citizens and asset
for their families and nation. School children are vulnerable segment of the
population and they are prone to get specific health problems.
Health appraisal is a major component of
school health programme. The role of the school
teacher is very important and fundamental in school health services,
participation of the teacher in child care is of great value and there is no
substitute for this. Thus, the researcher felt the need to conduct the study
and evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme
for school teachers on health appraisal of school children.
1. To
assess the existing knowledge of school teachers regarding health appraisal of
school children through pre-test knowledge scores.
2. To
determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme
on health appraisal of school children as measured by post-test knowledge
3. To
find out the association between pre-test knowledge and selected baseline
Pre-experimental one group
pre-test post-test design was adopted to accomplish the objectives of the
study. A sample of 50 school teachers was selected by using purposive sampling
technique. Initial knowledge of the teachers on health appraisal was determined
by administering structured knowledge questionnaire. A validated STP on health
appraisal was given to the teachers and its effectiveness was determined by
post-test knowledge score.
Findings of the study
revealed that the mean percentage of knowledge in the pre-test was 46.86%
(mean: 14.06±3.519) and the mean percentage of post-test was 80.53% (mean: 24.16±2.985).
Further effectiveness was tested using paired ‘t’
test. The difference between pre-rest and post-test knowledge scores was found
to be significant (t49=17.647, P<0.05).
From the study findings,
it is revealed that there was significant increase in the knowledge scores of
the school teachers after structured teaching programme.
Therefore, it was concluded that planned teaching programme
was highly effective in improving the knowledge of school teachers regarding
health appraisal of school children.
KEY WORDS: Effectiveness; structured teaching programme;
knowledge; health appraisal; primary school teachers.
Health status of the children of a nation
is highly reliable index of the health of its population. Our country committed
to achieve an appropriate level of “Health for all” by the year 2000 A.D. The
need of the child and our duties towards them become a part of our country 1.
The national policy for children adopted in 1974 by the Government of India
laid emphasis on areas like child health, child nutrition and welfare of
handicapped children. The policy also emphasized that health services for
school children should be an integral part of school activities and should
include health check-up, immunization, referral services and availability of
minimum healthful conditions.2
School health programme
is an integral and important branch of community health, through which
comprehensive care of the health and wellbeing of children throughout the
school years is taken care of. The school health service is an economic and
powerful means of raising the health of communities4. It is that
phase of community health and family health service that promotes the well
being of the child and his education for healthful living. School health programmes can be a powerful influence for shaping health
behavior of the children5. A school health programme
refers to all school activities/procedures that contribute to initiation,
understanding, maintenance and improvement of the health of the pupils and
school personnel6.
School health services refer to the health-care
delivery system that is operational within a school. The school health services
aim at promoting and maintaining the health of school children so as to give
them a good start in life. In addition, the services seek to enable children
benefit optimally from their school learning experiences7.
In India, about 30% of the total population
is comprised of school going children. Thus, school children constitute a vital
and substantial segment of population5. They are the future citizens
and asset for their families and nation. Children in this age group constitute
a vital proportion of the population and need special attention. Their health
status affects the health status of the community. Frank Falnkar
stated that “health is essential to socioeconomic development”. To focus on
children’s health is to contribute directly to the socio-economic development.
Since the health of the child is the key to health of the adults, which results
in health of the nation. School children are exposed to various stressful
situations such as school timings, studies, study hours, competitive
environment, indifferent behaviors of students, etc. these situations can cause
mental health problems, negative attitudes, affect growth and development,
disturb appetite and dietary habits resulting in malnutrition, etc. they need
care, help and guidance 3.
A survey conducted in Hyderabad and Secunderabad reported 40 percent children had Dental
disorders, 8 percent Eye defects, 5 percent Anemia, 4.5 percent has sigh of Vit-B deficiency and 4 percent Vit-A
deficiency. Indra Bai and Ratan Malika reported that in Tirupathi among the common problems, nutritional disorders
and first stand upper respiratory infections were the secondary major are group
of deficiencies.
assess the existing knowledge of school teachers regarding health appraisal of
school children through pre-test knowledge scores.
determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme
on health appraisal of school children as measured by post-test knowledge
find out the association between pre-test knowledge and selected baseline
H1: the mean post-test knowledge score of the teachers
would be significantly higher than their mean pre-test knowledge score.
H2: there would be significant association between the
pre-test knowledge scores with selected baseline variables of teachers.
Design: The research
design selected for study was pre-experimental design with one group pre-test
post-test design.
technique: Convenience
sampling technique
Sample: sample size was 50 primary school teachers
who teach from 1st standard to 4th standards in selected
Government Primary Schools of Davanagere.
Dependent variable: knowledge of primary school teachers on health appraisal of
school children.
Independent variable: structured teaching programme on
health appraisal of school children.
Demographic variables: age, gender, religion, marital status,
educational qualification, teaching experience and source of information
regarding health appraisal of school children.
The present study was conducted in 7
Government Primary Schools of Davanagere Taluk and District.
Names of Selected Schools |
Samples |
Government Primary School, Anaji. |
— |
7 |
Government Primary School, Mellekatte. |
— |
8 |
Government Primary School, Raampura. |
— |
8 |
Government Primary School, Aalurahatti |
— |
7 |
Government Primary School, Elebethur |
— |
7 |
Government Primary School, Kitthur |
— |
6 |
Government Primary School, Hulikatte. |
— |
7 |
Total |
— |
50 |
Data collection technique.
A- It deals with socio
demographic characteristics which include age, gender, religion, marital
status, educational qualification, teaching experience and source of
information regarding health appraisal of school children.
B- Structured knowledge
questionnaire was prepared to assess knowledge on health appraisal of school
children among primary school teachers.
Section 1: Selected personal variables of the primary school teachers.
1: Frequency and percentage distribution of primary school teachers in selected
demographic characteristics
n = 50
Characteristics of samples |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Age |
21-30 years |
4 |
8.0 |
31-40 years |
30 |
60.0 |
41-50 years |
13 |
26.0 |
51-60 years |
3 |
6.0 |
Gender |
Male |
21 |
42.0 |
Female |
29 |
58.0 |
Religion |
Hindu |
41 |
82.0 |
Muslim |
7 |
14.0 |
Christian |
2 |
4.0 |
Marital status |
Married |
47 |
94.0 |
Unmarried |
3 |
6.0 |
Educational qualification |
44 |
88.0 |
B.Ed |
3 |
6.0 |
C.P.Ed |
3 |
6.0 |
Teaching Experience |
0-5 years |
1 |
2.0 |
6-10 years |
6 |
12.0 |
11-15 years |
29 |
58.0 |
16 years and Above |
14 |
28.0 |
Source of information |
Mass media |
24 |
48.0 |
No information |
26 |
52.0 |
2: Knowledge of primary school teachers regarding health appraisal of school children.
2: Knowledge level of primary school teachers regarding health appraisal of
school children n = 50
Knowledge |
test |
test |
Frequency |
% |
Frequency |
% |
(Less than 50%) |
24 |
48 |
0 |
0 |
(51-75%) |
26 |
52 |
27 |
54 |
(76-100%) |
0 |
0 |
23 |
46 |
Total |
50 |
100 |
50 |
100 |
3: Mean, mean % and standard deviation of pre test Knowledge of primary school
teachers regarding health appraisal of school children n
= 50
Knowledge aspects |
Number of Items |
Maximum Score obtained |
Mean |
Mean % |
SD |
Concept of school health service |
4 |
4 |
1.92 |
48 |
0.778 |
Meaning and definition |
4 |
4 |
1.92 |
48 |
0.829 |
Components of health appraisal |
22 |
22 |
10.02 |
45.54 |
2.752 |
Overall |
30 |
30 |
14.06 |
46.86 |
3.519 |
Table 4: Mean,
mean % and standard deviation of post test Knowledge of primary school teachers
regarding health appraisal of school children.
Knowledge aspects |
Number of Items |
Maximum Score obtained |
Mean |
Mean % |
Std. Deviation |
Concept of school health service |
4 |
4 |
3.24 |
81 |
0.744 |
Meaning and definition |
4 |
4 |
3.24 |
81 |
0.894 |
Components of health appraisal |
22 |
22 |
17.68 |
80.36 |
2.351 |
Overall |
40 |
40 |
24.16 |
80.53 |
2.985 |
Section 3: comparison of pre-test and
post-test knowledge scores of primary school teachers on health appraisal of
school children
5: Overall and area-wise comparison of knowledge scores of primary school
teachers on health appraisal of school children
Sl. No |
Knowledge aspects |
Max score |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Mean difference |
t value |
Inference |
Mean |
Mean % |
SD |
Mean |
Mean % |
SD |
1 |
Concept of school health service |
4 |
1.92 |
48 |
0.778 |
3.24 |
81 |
0.744 |
1.32 |
9.753 |
S |
2 |
Meaning and definition |
4 |
1.92 |
48 |
0.829 |
3.24 |
81 |
0.894 |
1.32 |
10.219 |
S |
3 |
Components of health appraisal |
22 |
10.02 |
45.54 |
2.752 |
17.68 |
80.36 |
2.351 |
7.66 |
15.593 |
S |
Overall knowledge |
30 |
14.06 |
46.86 |
3.519 |
24.16 |
80.53 |
2.985 |
10.10 |
17.647 |
S |
4: Association between knowledge of primary school teachers on health appraisal
of school children with their selected personal variables
The selected personal variables such as
age, experience and source of information were having significant association
with the knowledge scores of primary school teachers on health appraisal of
school children at 0.05 level.
The findings of the study revealed that the
primary school teachers had moderate knowledge regarding the health appraisal
of school children. Data shows that majority 26 (52%) had moderate knowledge
and 24 (48%) had inadequate knowledge regarding health appraisal of school
children in the pre-test. It also revealed that the mean post-test knowledge
score (24.16) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (14.06).
The above findings of the study showed that
the structured teaching programme is effective in
improving the knowledge of primary school teachers regarding health appraisal
of school children.
The findings of the study also revealed
that the pre test knowledge of primary school teachers regarding health
appraisal of school children had significant association with their selected
personal variables viz. age, experience and source of information regarding
health appraisal of school children.
The following recommendations
were made based on the results of the study.
similar study can be replicated on a larger sample with similar demographical
similar study can be replicated with a control group using a larger population
of the community.
comparative study can be conducted on urban and rural school teachers.
comparative study can be conducted on government and private school teachers.
study on knowledge, attitude and practices of school teachers regarding health
appraisal of school children can be carried out.
study can be conducted by observing the actual practices of health appraisal of
school children by teachers.
can be conducted on other aspects of school health programme.
follow-up study can be conducted to determine the effectiveness of teaching programme.
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BK, Gupta MP. A text book preventive and social & medicine. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Publication;
Gulani KK.
Community health nursing principles and practices. 1st ed. New Delhi: Kumar Publishing House; 2008.
S. School of good health. Health Action 2001 Jun; 14(6).
Basavanthappa BT. Text book of community health nursing. 1st ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (p) Ltd; 2003.
Nurses Association of India. Community health nursing manual. 3rd ed. New Delhi: TNAI; 2005.
The state education department. Student health
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Received on 22.06.2014 Modified on 25.07.2014
Accepted on 05.08.2014 © A&V Publication all right reserved
J. Nur. Edu. and Research 4(4): Oct.- Dec.,
2014; Page 443-446