Sumitra Melinamani, Frincy Francis, Reena George, L Mariya Pushpa, Shilpa Vergheese
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Sumitra Melinamani1, Frincy Francis2, Reena George3, L Mariya Pushpa4, Shilpa Vergheese4
1Lecturer, St. Luke’s Hospital, College of Nursing Shrirampur, Maharashtra
2 Lecturer, College of Nursing, Sultan Quaboos University, Oman
3Asso. Professor, St. Luke’s Hospital, College of Nursing Shrirampur, Maharashtra
4Staff nurse, St. Luke’s Hospital, College of Nursing Shrirampur, Maharashtra
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 7,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2017
Introduction: Learning and reproducing the contents learnt in the examination is a part of every student’s life especially in professional courses like nursing where the entire curriculum is made concise into 3 – 4 years. Making the teaching and learning strategies more student friendly has helped to retain student’s attention and instil in them the interest to learn and perform better. Jigsaw Technique is one of the cooperative learning technique in which students equally participate, prepare and lead a group thus learning for themselves as well as preparing their group. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of jigsaw learning technique on nursing students as it is found beneficial in teaching. The technique also helps to revolve the learning material for peers in learning process and thereby help to build interpersonal and interactive skills among students. Objectives: To assess the existing level of knowledge on normal labour concepts among nursing students. To plan and implement the Jigsaw learning technique for learning the concepts of normal labour. To determine the effectiveness of Jigsaw learning technique by doing the post assessment on knowledge of normal labour among nursing students. Methodology: Using Simple Random Sampling technique, 40 diploma nursing students were recruited and their pre-knowledge was assessed on the concepts of normal labor and its management. The same group was taught the Jigsaw Technique of learning and their post knowledge was assessed. There was a significant difference in the performance of the students on the self-administered questionnaire before and after the intervention. The study was conducted at St. Luke’s Hospital’s College of Nursing , Shrirampur. Results and interpretation: There is significant difference between pre test 19 (47.5%) and post test knowledge score 36 (90.0%) at (p value) 0.05 level, analyzed by paired ‘t’ test. Conclusion: The Jigsaw Learning method proved to be an effective educational learning tool for nursing students
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Sumitra Melinamani, Frincy Francis, Reena George, L Mariya Pushpa, Shilpa Vergheese. The Jigsaw effect: Impact of Jigsaw learning technique on nursing students to learn the concepts of normal labor. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2017; 7(2): 181-184. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2017.00037.4
Sumitra Melinamani, Frincy Francis, Reena George, L Mariya Pushpa, Shilpa Vergheese. The Jigsaw effect: Impact of Jigsaw learning technique on nursing students to learn the concepts of normal labor. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2017; 7(2): 181-184. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2017.00037.4 Available on: