Poonam Kumari, Jeen Mexina Settipalle, Amiteshwar Kaur
Ms. Poonam Kumari1, Mrs. Jeen Mexina Settipalle2, Mrs. Amiteshwar Kaur3
1M Sc. Nursing Student, Saraswati Nursing Institute, Dhianpura
2Associate Professor Child Health Nursing, Saraswati Nursing Institute, Dhianpura
3Lecturer Child Health Nursing, Saraswati Nursing Institute, Dhianpura
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2018
Introduction: Normal children are healthy, happy and well adjusted. This adjustment is developed by providing basic emotional needs along with physical and physiological needs for their mental well being. Common behavioral problems of preschool children are destructiveness, selfishness, temper tantrum, bed time problems, hurting others, thumb sucking, nail biting, enuresis, encopresis, disobedience, self control, refusal to food and stuttering or stammering, delayed speech and attention deficit disorder. Behavior problems in preschool children are due to parents negligence poor supervision or poor attention, family conflict and maladjustment. Behavioral problems during preschool period is the strongest predictor of more serious problems later which includes delinquency, substance abuse, antisocial behavior, academic failure, conduct problems and depression. Objectives: To assess the behavioral problems of preschool children (3-6 years) as expressed by mothers using Modified Jacqueline McGuire and Naomi Richman Pre- School Behavior Checklist. To determine the association between behavioral problems of preschool children and selected demographic variables. Methods: A Non-Experimental, Quantitative research approach and descriptive research design was adopted to conduct the research study. Non probability consecutive sampling technique was used to collect the data. Tool used for the present study was Socio-demographic data sheet, modified Jacqueline McGuire and Naomi Richman Preschooler Behavior Checklist. Results: The results of present study revealed that21% of subjects had behavior problems and 79% of subjects had no behavior problem. Findings showed that behavioral problems were significantly associated with number of children in the family (0.001*, at df -3) at p value (<0.05). No association was found with age, sex, religion, type of family, sibling order, residence and income of family.
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Poonam Kumari, Jeen Mexina Settipalle, Amiteshwar Kaur. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Behavioral Problems among Preschool Children at Selected Anganwadi centers of Distt. Roopnagar (Punjab). Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2018; 8(2): 220-224. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00045.9
Poonam Kumari, Jeen Mexina Settipalle, Amiteshwar Kaur. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Behavioral Problems among Preschool Children at Selected Anganwadi centers of Distt. Roopnagar (Punjab). Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2018; 8(2): 220-224. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00045.9 Available on: