Sheena Bhatia, Geeta Bhardwaj
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Mrs. Sheena Bhatia1, Mrs. Geeta Bhardwaj2
1Lecturer, Kailash Nursing College, Noida UP
2Demonstrator, Nursing College, Uprimsr, Saifai, Etawah. U. P.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2018
INTRODUCTION- Mentally retarded children attain developmental milestone such as walking and talking much later than children in general population. Caregivers play a vital role in the lives of mentally retarded children so the time is not the only thing demanded of them. It is more essential to educate the care givers regarding mental retardation and regarding the care of mentally retarded child, so to help them grow efficiently. METHODOLOGY-A quantitative research approach with one group pre -test and post-test experimental research design was used. 50 samples were selected by convenient sampling technique. Tool was developed to assess knowledge of care givers regarding care of mentally retarded children. Planned teaching programme was prepared in form of power point presentation keeping the pretest knowledge score in mind. Tool for data collection was questionnaire and interview technique was used. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used. RESULT-Mean and standard deviation of posttest knowledge scores 22 and 1.53 was significantly higher than pre test knowledge score 9 and 1.4 respectively. Researcher found that there is no association with any of selected demographic variable with knowledge score. The mean post test knowledge scores of the care givers of mentally retarded children were significantly higher than the mean pre test knowledge score. This indicated that planned teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge of care givers regarding the care of mentally retarded children.
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Sheena Bhatia, Geeta Bhardwaj. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge Regarding Care of Mentally Retarded Children Among Care Givers. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2018; 8(1): 22-24.. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00006.X
Sheena Bhatia, Geeta Bhardwaj. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge Regarding Care of Mentally Retarded Children Among Care Givers. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2018; 8(1): 22-24.. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00006.X Available on: