Author(s): Preeti Manoj Bagul


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00101.9   

Address: Ms. Preeti Manoj Bagul
M.Sc. Child Health Nursing, Nursing Tutor in Holy Family Institute of Nursing Education, Kurla, Mumbai.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2020

Leukemia is a condition where adequate care plays a very important role in managing the symptoms of disease and in prevention of frequent relapses. Prevalence of leukemia is continued to rise over several decades, which increases responsibilities of health care team to provide adequate treatment. The investigator felt the need to educate the caregivers of children with leukemia by developing and giving information booklet which will act as a ready reference whenever needed by them. Therefore the present study was undertaken on the problem started as “Effect of information booklet on knowledge of parents in relation to home care management of children with leukemia in selected hospitals.” Objectives: To assess the knowledge of parents in relation to home care management among parents of children with leukemia before and after giving the information booklet in selected hospitals.To compare the effect of information booklet on knowledge in relation to home care management among parents of children with leukemia before and after administration of information booklet in selected hospitals.To find the association between knowledge of parents in relation to home care management of children with leukemia with selected demographic variables selected hospitals. Methodology: A descriptive, evaluative study was conducted at selected hospitals of Mumbai. The sample consisted of 30 caregivers of children with leukemia from pediatric units of selected hospitals. The technique used for sample selection was non probability convenience sampling. Reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by test retest and chi square method respectively. Pilot study was conducted on 5 samples, which was fulfilled in the inclusion criteria. The main data collection for the study was began from 19th September 2016 to 9th October 2016 Result: Majority of the sample belonged to the age group of 30-40 years and 40-50 years and had secondary education i.e.66.7%. Majority of them had family income of Rs.10, 001- 15,000/month i.e. 66.7%. Majority of the children belonged to the age group of 5-10 years i.e. 60%. Their duration of illness was 2-5 years and got admitted in the hospital for 4-6 times. Knowledge of the sample in various aspects of care of children with leukemia before and after administration of information booklet was answered. Pretest knowledge regarding knowledge about different aspects of care like blood was 66.7%; importance of blood was 76.7%. Meaning of leukemia was 86.7%, signs and symptoms of leukemia was 94.4%, medical management was 70.5%, side effects of treatment of leukemia was 81.1%, Neutropenia was 36.7%, dietary management of leukemia was 63.3%, and supportive management was 77.3%. In post test knowledge of sample improved in above mentioned area to 95.6%, 91.1%, 96.7%, 98.9%, 79.5%, 87.8%, 75.0%, 93.3% and 86.4%. Corresponding p-value was small (of the order of 0.000), which is small (less than 0.05), null hypothesis is rejected. Information booklet is proved to be significantly effective in improving the knowledge of the parents regarding home care management of leukemia. Hence association between knowledge of sample with selected demographic variable i.e. age, education and income of caregivers is taken into consideration. The analysis and interpretation of association between knowledge of sample with selected demographic variable i.e. age, education and income of caregiver is taken into consideration. Fisher’s exact test is used to calculate p- value. The p- value of demographic variable for age was 0.290, related to education it was 0.135, for socio economic status as per month was 0.057, for child’s age it was 1.000, for duration of illness was 0.625 and related to total number of admission to the hospital was 0.402.

Cite this article:
Preeti Manoj Bagul. Effect of Information booklet on knowledge of parents in relation to home care management of children with Leukemia in selected hospitals. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(4):474-476. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00101.9

Preeti Manoj Bagul. Effect of Information booklet on knowledge of parents in relation to home care management of children with Leukemia in selected hospitals. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(4):474-476. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00101.9   Available on:

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