Author(s): Stephy Sabu


DOI: 10.52711/2349-2996.2021.00104   

Address: Stephy Sabu
Nursing Tutor, Lisie School of Nursing, Kerala Nurses and Midwifery Council.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2021

The review article presents the obstacles and the solutions towards the implementation of Evidence Based Practice among the nurses in India by merging the content and concept from a few set of related articles by the experts and those include 1. K Gitumoni and K Jyasree. The barriers and challenges of conducting nursing research and communicatoing findings into practice. 2. Daphne c duncombe. A study of perceived barriers and faciliattors to implement evidenced based practice. 3. Joan and Warren. A crosssectional study to assess the strength and challenges to implement ebp in nursing. 4. B Mauricio, Implementing evidence based practice: a challenge for the nursing practice. 5. M Neda and B naser. Nurses faculties knowledge and attitude on evidence based practice. The successful utilization of best evidence into practice depends on the knowledge of nurses, understanding the concepts, and its application. There exists various barriers and facilitators as well to the application of EBP among nurses. The practice can be a successful and routine process in an organization only if there could be support, encouragement and recognition by the administration. The health care team in India must provide an indispensible support to eliminate those barriers and facilitate the optimal care through best evidences in the health care facilities. Thus the article comprises a cross cut view on the obstacles in the application of best evidences in the clinical setting.

Cite this article:
Stephy Sabu. Exploring Evidence: A Challenge before Nurses of Today. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(3):431-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2021.00104

Stephy Sabu. Exploring Evidence: A Challenge before Nurses of Today. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(3):431-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2021.00104   Available on:

1.    K Gitumoni and K Jyasree. The barriers and challenges of conducting nursing research and communicating findings into practice. International Journal of Health Science and Research. June 2018; 18(6): p- 215-19
2.    Daphne c duncombe. A study of perceived barriers and facilitators to implement evidenced based practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing. November 2017; Vol 27(5): p- 89-96
3.    Woan and warren. A crosssectional study to assess the strength and challenges to implement EBP in nursing. International Journal of Science and Research. 2017; Vol 10. Issue 3: 45-51
4.    Polit and beck. Nursing Research. 6th Edition. Wohers Kluwer Publications; 2014. Pg No- 223-36
5.    B C Suzanne, J S Mary. Evidence Based Practice in Nursing. 4th Edition. 2006, HC Pro no- 99-124
6.    R Mauricio, Implementing evidence based practice: a challenge for the nursing practice. Journal of Qualitative Research and The Academy of Management. 2014; Vol 32; issue 2: p- 191-93
7.    M Neda and B naser. Nurses faculties knowledge and attitude on evidence based practice. Iran Journal of Nurse Midwifery. 2012; 7(7): 506-511
8.    DS Billie, E Jennifer, GH Kristin. Factors associated with nurses knowledge and perceived value in evidence based practice. American Journal of Crictical Care January 2020; 29(1): 106-110
9.    Yeh and Mei Ling. Translating research findings into practice: the importance of updating knowledge. Journal of Nursing Research. August 2018; 26(4): p- 227-30
10.    E Melnyk, M Bernadette and F gallegher. Evidence based practice, step by step: implementing an evidence-based practice change. The American Journal of Nursing. March 2016; 111(3): 54-60.
11.    E Melnyk, M Bernadette and F gallegher. Evidence based practice,step by step:implementing an evidence based practice change.The American Journal of Nursing. March 2016;111(3): 54-60.

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