Author(s): Bandana Devi, Prerana Sarma, Neekita Rana, Minuk Changmi, Chandana Choudhury, Adoryn Tiara T Sangma, Resma Begum, Tapashree Baruah, Hafijur Rahman, Archita Deka, Parishmita Bhuyan, Mamoni Sulatana


DOI: 10.52711/2349-2996.2024.00005   

Address: Bandana Devi, Prerana Sarma, Neekita Rana, Minuk Changmi, Chandana Choudhury, Adoryn Tiara T Sangma, Resma Begum, Tapashree Baruah, Hafijur Rahman, Archita Deka, Parishmita Bhuyan, Mamoni Sulatana
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Arya Nursing College, Changsari.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

Introduction: Heart Attack is one of the most common and deadly cardiovascular diseases across the world. It is an issue which affects a huge part of society and has now became the 3rd leading cause of the death. A descriptive study was conducted on knowledge about Heart Attack and its preventive measures among the industrial workers of Changsari, Kamrup (R), Assam, which aim to measure their existing knowledge on Heart Attack and to provide additional knowledge to them. Methods and Materials: Total 60 samples were selected by using non probability convenient technique. Necessary data were collected from the study subject through self semi-structured knowledge questionnaire and Invemtary checklist with prior consent. Result: Study findings revealed that, out of 60 samples, majority 31(52%) of the industrial workers belong to the age group of (18-30) years, majority 37(62%) were males, majority 30(50%) were 10th passed, majority 44(73%) were aware of heart attack, majority 25(41%) of the industrial workers have source of information from relatives and friends, majority 28(47%) have history of other diseases, majority 41(68%) of the industrial workers were non-vegetarian majority 38(63%) of the industrial workers have habit of smoking, and majority 38 (63%) of the industrial workers were not having habit of tobacco consumption.9 samples have adequate knowledge level i.e. (15%), 44 samples have moderate knowledge i.e (73.3%) and 7samples have inadequate knowledge i.e. (12%) regarding heart attack. Then 45 samples have adequate knowledge level i.e. (75%), 8 samples have moderate knowledge i.e (13%) and 7samples have inadequate knowledge i.e. (12%) regarding preventive measures of heart attack. Conclusion: From this study result, it is concluded that workers have some knowledge on Heart Attack but the knowledge need to be upgraded with continuing education.

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Bandana Devi, Prerana Sarma, Neekita Rana, Minuk Changmi, Chandana Choudhury, Adoryn Tiara T Sangma, Resma Begum, Tapashree Baruah, Hafijur Rahman, Archita Deka, Parishmita Bhuyan, Mamoni Sulatana. A Study to assess the knowledge regarding Heart attack and its Preventive measures among the workers of selected Industries of Changsari, Kamrup (R), Assam. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024; 14(1):25-0. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2024.00005

Bandana Devi, Prerana Sarma, Neekita Rana, Minuk Changmi, Chandana Choudhury, Adoryn Tiara T Sangma, Resma Begum, Tapashree Baruah, Hafijur Rahman, Archita Deka, Parishmita Bhuyan, Mamoni Sulatana. A Study to assess the knowledge regarding Heart attack and its Preventive measures among the workers of selected Industries of Changsari, Kamrup (R), Assam. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2024; 14(1):25-0. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2024.00005   Available on:

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