Author(s): Vinod V. Bagilkar, Bharatesh B. Savadatti


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00016.6   

Address: Mr. Vinod V. Bagilkar1, Mr. Bharatesh B. Savadatti2
1Asst. Professor, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka.
2Clinical Instructor, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka.
Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 5,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2015

Malnutrition has become an urgent global health issue, with under nutrition killing or disabling millions of children each year. Malnutrition also prevents millions more from reaching their full intellectual and productive potential. In children, severe malnutrition accounts for approximately 1 million deaths annually1, with approximately 20 million children under the age of five suffering from severe malnutrition. In India about 2/3 portion of the under five children of our country is malnourished among them 5-8% is severely malnourished whole rest fall in the group of mild or moderate malnutrition so it can be said that malnutrition one of the most wide spread conditions affecting child health. Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition among parents of under five children. Method: The convenient sampling technique and interview schedule was used in the study. Result: About 56% of mothers were given the Information on malnutrition. 58% of parents were in the age group of 23-27 years. 100% of parents were from rural area. 70% of parents were belongs to Jain religion. 70% of parents were studied Primary. 72% of parents were belongs to Nuclear family. 92% of mothers were Unemployed Mothers. 40% of fathers were private employed Fathers. 54% of parents monthly income is Rs. 3000 and below. 76% of parent’s dietary pattern is Vegetarians. 66% of parents had only one child. 46% of parents were got information from others and Health Care Workers. This finding shows that 29(58%) of parents were having moderately adequate knowledge. The mean value of knowledge on malnutrition was 8.64 with a standard deviation of 2.57 and attitude 43(86%) of parents were having moderately positive attitude. The mean value of attitude on malnutrition was 32.84 with a standard deviation of 3.38. Result show that there is a strong positive correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition among parents of under five children (r= 0.097.) this implies if there is increase in knowledge the attitude also increase. There is no significant association between knowledge and demographic variables such as Informer age, education, occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the parental knowledge on Malnutrition. There is no significant association between attitude and demographic variables such as Informer age, education, occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the parental attitude on Malnutrition. There was a significant increase in the knowledge of parents after giving health education on malnutrition.

Cite this article:
Vinod V. Bagilkar, Bharatesh B. Savadatti. A descriptive study on Malnutrition. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015; Page 72-77. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00016.6

Vinod V. Bagilkar, Bharatesh B. Savadatti. A descriptive study on Malnutrition. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015; Page 72-77. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00016.6   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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