Author(s): Mrs. Shilpa T M. Mrs. Vinutha M. D’ Souza


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00040.3   

Address: Mrs. Shilpa T M. Mrs. Vinutha M. D’ Souza
Department of Community Health Nursing, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing, Mangaluru, Karnataka. India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2020

Background: Calcium is a key nutrient in the human body. The interest on calcium requirements during the last decade has been expanded to apply to the entire life cycle from birth through elder years. Menopause is the time when menstrual periods stop permanently and women can no longer get pregnant. During menopause, decline in the hormone estrogen causes a women’s bone to thin, so women should also increase their calcium intake to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and calcium deficiency disease1.Method: A non-experimental descriptive design was adopted for the study. The sample comprised of 20 post menopausal women above 45years, selected using purposive sampling technique. The purpose of the study was explained to the sample and the informed consent was taken. Demographic Proforma and structured knowledge questionnaire was administered to 20 postmenopausal women above 45 years, the data was analysed by both descriptive and inferential statistics and information booklet was given. Results: Majority (45%) of the sample had moderate knowledge, 45% had adequate knowledge and none of them (0%) had inadequate knowledge. The obtained range, maximum score, mean, median, standard deviation and mean percentage of knowledge questionnaire were 6-10, 13, 10.35, 10, 1.13,69.00 respectively. The mean score of the sample was 10.35±1.13 shows that there is no significance association of knowledge score with age (p=0.46), religion (p=0.71), educational status (p=0.60), monthly income (p=0.08), type of family (p=0.28), type of diet (p=0.28), previous information regarding calcium deficiency diseases (p=0.55) at 0.05 level of significance. Interpretation and conclusion: Study concludes that, majority of post menopausal women had moderate knowledge on calcium deficiency disorder.

Cite this article:
Mrs. Shilpa T M. Mrs. Vinutha M. D’ Souza. Knowledge on calcium deficiency disorder among post menopausal women in selected rural community, Mangaluru with a view to prepare an information booklet. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):185-188. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00040.3

Mrs. Shilpa T M. Mrs. Vinutha M. D’ Souza. Knowledge on calcium deficiency disorder among post menopausal women in selected rural community, Mangaluru with a view to prepare an information booklet. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):185-188. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00040.3   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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