The present study was conducted with a view to assess the knowledge regarding substance abuse among adolescent students of selected schools in Amritsar, Punjab with a view to develop information booklet. A sample of 100 individuals selected purposively from school of Amritsar. Tools used for data collection were a structured questionnaire. Reliability of the tool was confirmed before the final data collection by try out and pilot study done. After inculcating the necessary changes, final data collection was done. The analysis of the data was done with the help of SPSS Software Version 15 package. Descriptive statistics used were mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics with the help of chi-square and t-test. Results of the study revealed that overall adequate knowledge of substance abuse is 57% and 43% subjects were having inadequate knowledge so there is need for awareness campaigns regarding substance abuse. Therefore counseling and awareness among youth regarding ill-effects of drugs is the current need of the hour. Adequate medical services along with social support, positive community response and intervention in associated social issues can result in containing the problem of addiction
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Kaur Jasdeep, Kaur Kiranjit. A Descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding substance abuse among adolescent students of selected schools in Amritsar, Punjab with a view to develop information booklet. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 5(4): Oct.- Dec.2015; Page 463-466. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00095.6
Kaur Jasdeep, Kaur Kiranjit. A Descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding substance abuse among adolescent students of selected schools in Amritsar, Punjab with a view to develop information booklet. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 5(4): Oct.- Dec.2015; Page 463-466. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00095.6 Available on: https://ajner.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2015-5-4-4