Author(s): Supriya Mane


DOI: Not Available

Address: Mrs. Supriya Mane
Bharathi Vidyapeeth College of Nursing, Navi Mumbai
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2016

Self-esteem is important in every sphere of life and can be considered a basic human need. Self-esteem increases the level of personal security and has been described as a protective factor against risk behaviors Self-esteem is one of our basic Psychological needs. The degree of our self-esteem impacts every major aspect of our lives. It has profound effect on our thinking processes, emotion, desire, values, choices and goals. Deficits in self-esteem contribute to virtually all-psychological problems. And psychological problems lead to lowered self-esteem. It is a reciprocal relationship. Nurses are vital to the national health services system and to the nation. Therefore, today that self-esteem is a basic human need, is to say that it is essential to normal and healthy development, it has survival value. If a nurse lacks positive self-esteem, psychological growth is stunned. Positive self-esteem operates, in effects as providing resistance, strength and a capacity for regeneration. If a nurse does not believe in herself neither in her efficacy nor in her goodness she will not be able to function efficiently in her profession. So it is important to assess the self-esteem of nurses at different levels of functioning. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To assess the demographic variables; To assess the level of self-esteem among the nursing students; To associate the self-esteem level with socio demographic variables RESEARCH METHDOLOGY: In this study Conceptual framework based on Health belief Model was used. The exploratory descriptive approach was used to illicit data .Non probability purposive sampling technique was adopted for selection of the samples. The sample consisted of 40 nursing students of 3rd year GNM and BSc studying in this institute. Rosenberg scale for self-esteem was administered for each sample. MAJOR STUDY FINDINGS: The collected data was analyzed in terms of the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Section 1:This section deals with the analysis of data related to the demographic variables. It reveals that majority of subjects belonged to the age group 19-20 years. The study revealed all of them are females. The subjects who belong to nuclear family were 95% whereas 5% belong to joint family. The study also reveals that 47.5% subjects were staying in flat whereas 7.5% were in chawls and remaining in rented house. The study also emphasized that majority of the students share problems with their friends (50%). When taken into account the the level of stress about 70% had moderate level of stress. it was seen that, 97.5% of students does not have any history of suicide. While 95% of students does not have any health problems. Section 2: This section deals with the analysis and interpretation of data related with level of self-esteem among the subjects. The study revealed that 97.5% of students have moderate level; of self-esteem and 2.5% have low self-esteem. Section 3: This section deals with Associating the demographic variables with the self-esteem level of students using chi-square, it was found that there is no correlation seen between self-esteem among the students and the variables such as age, medium of education, stay, family income, level of stress, problem sharing, suicide and health problems at the level of significance at 0.05 that is 5.99.The variable sex could not be associated with self-esteem as one of the observed value in this variable is zero. This can be because of the less sample size. CONCLUSION: Self-esteem is one of the important components of a person’s work life, and it is found that there are many factors which affect nurses’ self-esteem. A nurse with a good self-esteem will be able to provide much better care to her patients. She will be satisfied with her job and fully committed to it. She will be able to develop her morals and values and a successful professional image. Making use of agencies such as guidance, counseling, mass-media, good education, group activities, seminars, presentations which will help a nurse to improve her self-esteem and with a new confidence she can provide a quality care to her patients. This step can be initiated right from her nursing school days. Stress reduction programme and self-esteem enhancement programme etc. need to be emphasized in the curriculum and short courses on these can be conducted. School authorities have to take initiative and responsibility in starting such program in their institutions.

Cite this article:
Supriya Mane. A Study to Assess self-Esteem among the Third Year Nursing Students in Selected Institute of Nursing Education, Andheri. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2016; 6(4): 497-502.

Supriya Mane. A Study to Assess self-Esteem among the Third Year Nursing Students in Selected Institute of Nursing Education, Andheri. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research.2016; 6(4): 497-502.   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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