Aksa P Daniel, Anju Sunny, Athira S, Reshma Sara Shaji, Sonia Bennichan, S Anand
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Ms. Aksa P Daniel1, Ms. Anju Sunny1, Ms. Athira S1, Ms. Reshma Sara Shaji1, Ms. Sonia Bennichan1, Prof. S Anand2
1Third Year BSc Nursing Students, Bishop Benziger College of Nursing, Kollam, Kerala 691001, India.
2Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Bishop Benziger College of Nursing, Kollam, Kerala 691001, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2021
The research work undertook was “A study to explore the myths related to the care of neonates among mothers of Pallithottam area at Kollam”. The objective of the study was to: explore the myths related to the care of neonates among mothers of Pallithottam area at Kollam. A quantitative approach was used in the study. Convenient sampling was used. Sample taken were mothers who are taking care or have taken care of a neonate. Sample size was 100. The researcher collected the data using self-structured questionnaire. The tool was found to be reliable. Samples were given a checklist consisting of 30 myths related to the care of neonates and they were asked to give their opinion by putting tick mark in the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ option against each practice. The result of the study shows that 48.31% of the mothers have positive attitude towards the harmful practices, 70% have positive attitude towards useful practices, 96.4% have positive attitude towards inconsequential practices and 70.75% have belief towards practices of doubtful utility. The finding show that there are certain myths related to care of neonates still prevalent among mothers of Pallithottam area at Kollam. Based on the findings the investigators have drawn implication which were of vital concerns in the field of nursing practice, nursing administration and nursing education for future development.
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Aksa P Daniel, Anju Sunny, Athira S, Reshma Sara Shaji, Sonia Bennichan, S Anand. Myths related to care of Neonates among mothers. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(3):391-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2021.00094
Aksa P Daniel, Anju Sunny, Athira S, Reshma Sara Shaji, Sonia Bennichan, S Anand. Myths related to care of Neonates among mothers. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(3):391-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2021.00094 Available on:
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