Author(s): Edna Sweenie J.


DOI: Not Available

Address: Prof. Edna Sweenie J.
Professor & HOD, Department of Pediatric Nursing, MIOT College of Nursing, Chennai-600 089, Tamil Nadu,
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2013

The lure of convenience in addition to good taste gets people to junk food addiction. With the advent of television children have become more aware of the fast food items available. Children watch television where fast food continues to dominate the food advertisements viewed by children. The easily available fast food in and around school campus and with little knowledge of the far reaching effects of these food items consumed, children fall an easy prey to junk food. Children are unaware of the food they eat and the effects it has on their growth and development. This survey reflects the large percentage of children who surrender to the temptation of junk food consumption with little knowledge of its far sighted effects on their health.

Cite this article:
Edna Sweenie J. . An epidemiological survey to determine the prevalence of consumption of fast food among children and their knowledge regarding the food they eat. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 3(4): Oct.- Dec., 2013; Page 267-269.

Edna Sweenie J. . An epidemiological survey to determine the prevalence of consumption of fast food among children and their knowledge regarding the food they eat. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 3(4): Oct.- Dec., 2013; Page 267-269.   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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