The divine gifts- the newborns are at higher risk of the mortality and severe morbidity than the infants and during childhood period. The essential of the high risk newborn care are crucial to ensure optimal neonatal health outcomes. The aims of present study: 1. to compare the knowledge among mothers regarding the post discharge care of high risk babies between the study and control group.2. To compare the reported practice among mothers regarding the post discharge care of high risk babies between study and control group.3.To determine the correlation between knowledge and practice regarding post discharge care of high risk babies in study and control group.4. To determine the association of knowledge with selected baseline variables5. To determine the association of practice with selected baseline variables. A quantitative, true experimental design was adopted by using computer randomized table and generated sampling technique, 40 mothers were selected in which 20 in each study and control group. An interview schedule to collect the baseline variables, structured questionnaires to assess the knowledge and reported checklist to assess the practice of mothers were made. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. It revealed that mean knowledge scores in experimental group were 15.59 and SD was 1.85 and in control group mean was 11 and SD was 2.79, whereas the mean practice scores in experimental group were 8.35 and SD was 0.93 and in the control group mean was 6.15 and SD was 0.933.The findings of the study shows that, the experimental group has mean knowledge score of 15.95 1.85 was higher than the control group mean knowledge score 11±2.79, whereas the experimental group has mean practice score of 8.35 0.933 was greater than the control group mean practice score 6.15 0.933.It depicts that; VAT was an effective method to enhance the knowledge and reported practice regarding post discharge care of high risk babies among mothers.
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Ngawang Saldon, Vasantha Singarayan. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and reported practice among mothers regarding the post discharge care of high risk babies of the selected hospital, Bangalore. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):210-216. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00045.2
Ngawang Saldon, Vasantha Singarayan. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and reported practice among mothers regarding the post discharge care of high risk babies of the selected hospital, Bangalore. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):210-216. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00045.2 Available on: https://ajner.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-10-2-20