Author(s): Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen, Ann Bengtson


DOI: Not Available

Address: Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen1, Ann Bengtson2
1RN, MSc, Doctoral Student, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Department, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
2Associate Professor, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Arvid Wallgrens Backe 1, Box 457, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
*Corresponding Authors

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2012

Rapid changes in lifestyle in Vietnam have had a significant impact on young people with increasing numbers suffering from sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to changes in lifestyle, Vietnamese adolescents face many other problems including reproductive health. It is therefore important to examine their understanding of these topics. The purpose of this study is to assess Vietnamese adolescents’ views on puberty and reproductive health and the resources that may benefit them. The study consisted of interviews with 24 children aged 12-13 years old in two secondary schools, using an open interview guide and adopting qualitative content analysis. Experiences of puberty, the concepts of sexual intercourse, friendship and love were found to reflect adolescents’ understanding of these issues. The children’s knowledge was limited. Girls, more often than boys, had sought information from movies, books and from more experienced friends. Teachers, parents, and media played an important role in educating adolescents and encouraging them to make the right decisions. The adolescents’ perception of puberty and reproductive health was immature. Adolescents need more information to be able to prepare for their sexuality in addition to cope with the bodily changes.

Cite this article:
Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen, Ann Bengtson. The perception of puberty and reproductive health among 12-13 year old children in two secondary schools in Hanoi, Vietnam. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(4): Oct-Dec. 2012; Page 228-235.

Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen, Ann Bengtson. The perception of puberty and reproductive health among 12-13 year old children in two secondary schools in Hanoi, Vietnam. Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 2(4): Oct-Dec. 2012; Page 228-235.   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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