Smita Jha, Khomeshwari, Anupriya K, Bhujmanee Pandey, Namrata Tirky, Meena Gupta, Pavitra Baghel, Pushpa Gavel, Sewati Patel, Shakuntala, Sunita Tirkee, Smriti
Mrs. Smita Jha1, Mrs. Khomeshwari2, Ms Anupriya K3, Ms Bhujmanee Pandey3, Ms Namrata Tirky3, Ms Meena Gupta3, Ms Pavitra Baghel3, Ms Pushpa Gavel3, Ms Sewati Patel3, Ms Shakuntala3, Ms Sunita Tirkee3, Ms Smriti3
1Associate Professor, H.O.D., Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing, Government College of Nursing, Jagdalpur
2Demonstrator, Government College of Nursing, Jagdalpur
3B.Sc. Nursing, Fourth Year Students 2018, Government College of Nursing Jagdalpur.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2020
Child Sexual abuse refers to the use of children in sexual activities when, because of their immaturity and developmental level, they cannot understand or give informed consent. Being a child happy and safe life is right of every child, but child sexual abuse is a major problems in front of child and parents. Child sexual abuse also called child molestation. It is a form of sexual abuse in which an adult or older, adolescent uses a child from sexual stimulation. It includes engaging in sexual activities with a child. The aim of the study is true experimental research approach was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on child sexual abuse among school students in selected school at Jagdalpur. Objectives: To assess the pre and post test knowledge score of middle school students on child sexual abuse among experimental and control group. To assess effectiveness of video assisted teaching on child sexual abuse among middle school student in selected school at Jagdalpur. To find out association between post test knowledge score and selected socio-demographical variable. E.g. Age, parent education status, type of Family, father occupation, mother occupation, economic status, and source of previous knowledge. Methods: True experimental research approach was adopted in this study. Through simple random sampling technique 60 sample were selected, 30 each in experimental and control group. Formal written permission was obtained from the authorities of the school administrative department and written consent was obtained from school students to conduct the study. A structures knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of school students on child sexual abuse. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: The result revealed that in the pre-test, majority of school students had inadequate level of knowledge on child sexual abuse in both experimental (90%) and control group (80%). In the post test majority of school students in experimental group 53.34 % had adequate level of knowledge regarding child sexual abuse and in the control group 20% obtained average level of knowledge. The calculated “t” value for knowledge in the experimental group 6.02 was greater than the table value 2.05(p<0.05), whereas in the control group the calculated “t” value 0.92(p<0.05) was less than the table “t” value 2.05(p<0.05), which shows the video assisted teaching was effective in improving the chi square test score showed there was significant association of pretest knowledge score with selected demographic variable in the group. Interpretation and Conclusion: School students must know the child sexual abuse. The study finding revealed that video assisted teaching on child sexual abuse was effective in improving knowledge of school students in the experimental group. This data indicates that the video assisted teaching was comprehensive, simple, easy to understand, practicable and effective in increasing the knowledge of school students on child sexual abuse the awareness can be increases and occurrence can be prevented and step by step management can be done. Control and prevention of child sexual abuse should be done by education and awareness, child helpline, implementation of laws and policies, self defense, support for victim by counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, psycho-educational intervention.
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Smita Jha, Khomeshwari, Anupriya K, Bhujmanee Pandey, Namrata Tirky, Meena Gupta, Pavitra Baghel, Pushpa Gavel, Sewati Patel, Shakuntala, Sunita Tirkee, Smriti. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Child Sexual Abuse Among Middle School Student in M.L.B.M. School at Jagdalpur (C.G) 2018. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(1):15-22. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00004.X
Smita Jha, Khomeshwari, Anupriya K, Bhujmanee Pandey, Namrata Tirky, Meena Gupta, Pavitra Baghel, Pushpa Gavel, Sewati Patel, Shakuntala, Sunita Tirkee, Smriti. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Child Sexual Abuse Among Middle School Student in M.L.B.M. School at Jagdalpur (C.G) 2018. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(1):15-22. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00004.X Available on: