Author(s): Rajinimol T.R


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00026.9   

Address: Rajinimol T.R
Lecturer, Holy Spirit Institute of Nursing Education, Mumbai
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2020

Background of the study: Body art, including Tattooing and Body piercing have been prevalent for in a variety of cultures. In the last few years, young people have shown great enthusiasm for the practice, but the number of unprofessional tattooists and piercers has increased creating more complications due to frequent procedures carried out without any knowledge of health and hygiene rules. There can be a wide range of health consequences both infectious (e.g. HIV, HBV and HCV, mycobacterial infections, abscess, endocarditis, tetanus) and non-infectious (e.g. dermatitis, hemorrhage, allergies) because tattooing and body piercing exposes the body to body fluids. Youngsters today may choose to modify their body for different reasons without the knowledge of the associated risks. Methods: Descriptive correlation design was adopted to assess the knowledge and attitude. The study was conducted in PU College in Bangalore. Simple random sampling technique was used to gather data from the 100 adolescents of age 16-18 years. A structured questionnaire and attitude scale was used to collect data. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In the study, majority of the respondents, 94%, had inadequate knowledge level as compared to 6% of them having moderate adequate knowledge level. The attitude was assessed through Likert’s 5-point scale. 67 (67%) of the respondents had unfavorable attitude and 33(33%) had favorable attitude. There is a weak positive correlation (0.173) between knowledge and attitude of adolescents on effects of tattooing and body piercing. There is a significant association between knowledge and demographic variables like Gender, Income of the family, Educational status of the father, Educational status of the mother, occupation of the father and Family members or friends with tattooing and body piercing. There is no significant association between attitude and all the demographic variables Interpretation and Conclusion: Out of 100 respondents 94 of them had inadequate knowledge and 67 of them had unfavorable attitude on the effects of tattooing and body piercing. The correlation between knowledge and attitude were analyzed through Karl Pearson’s correlation method which was r= 0.173. There was a weak positive correlation between knowledge and attitude

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Rajinimol T.R. A Study to assess the knowledge and attitude on the effects of Tattooing and Body piercing among adolescents in selected PU Colleges, Bangalore with a view to develop an Information Booklet. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):115-120. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00026.9

Rajinimol T.R. A Study to assess the knowledge and attitude on the effects of Tattooing and Body piercing among adolescents in selected PU Colleges, Bangalore with a view to develop an Information Booklet. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(2):115-120. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00026.9   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996 

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