Background: Childhood obesity is a major public health crisis nationally and internationally. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased over few years. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle income countries, particularly in urban settings. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of primary school children regarding obesity and its complications, To assess the awareness of primary school children regarding obesity and its complications, To determine effectiveness of educative supportive intervention on knowledge regarding obesity and its complications among primary school children, To find out the association between knowledge of primary school children. Material and Method: A pre- experimental one group pre-test post- test design within control group approach under taken in Sarvajanik vidyalaya and kaveri Day care school, mehsana city. Data collection was there 100 children of primary school. Result: overall pre test mean score is 5.9 and standard deviation is 1.60. Post test mean score is 8.44 and standard deviation is 2.06. “t” value is higher than table value (t99= 1.98, P< 0.05). Conclusion: After given educative supportive intervention, children have improve the knowledge. That was an effective technique in inducing the knowledge level of primary school children regarding obesity and its complications.
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Mahendra Singh Parmar. A study to assess the effectiveness of Educative supportive interventions on Knowledge, regarding Obesity and its complications among primary school children in selected schools of Mehsana city. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(3): 308-310. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00064.6
Mahendra Singh Parmar. A study to assess the effectiveness of Educative supportive interventions on Knowledge, regarding Obesity and its complications among primary school children in selected schools of Mehsana city. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(3): 308-310. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00064.6 Available on: https://ajner.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-10-3-12
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