Author(s): Ravina Patel, Divya Rohit


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00025.2   

Address: Ms. Ravina Patel1, Ms. Divya Rohit2
1HOD of Obstetrics and Gynecological Department, Nootan College of Nursing, Visnagar, Dist: Mehsana.
22nd Year M.Sc Nursing Student, Nootan College of Nursing, Visnagar, Dist: Mehsana.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2021

Introduction: Infertility defined as not being able to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, is a global public health problem that affects more than 10% of the world’s population. The risk of infertility increases with advanced age of the female partner (>35 years). Female infertility may present as an ovulation, obstructed fallopian tubes, endometriosis or uterine abnormalities. Male factor in infertility is characterized by diminished production of morphologically normal, motile sperm. Genetic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances and congenital/infectious malformations of the reproductive tract are some of the common causes of male and female infertility. Lifestyle factors such as obesity, diet, smoking and alcohol use along with environmental chemical exposure have been increasingly examined as additional modifiers of fertility. Design: A quantitative approach using pre experimental pre-test post-test design with one group. Participants: 60 Science and Commerce students were selected using Probability Simple random sampling technique in Science and Commerce College, Visnagar. Interventions: Structure teaching program was given to the students. Tool: Self Structured Questionnaire was used to assess the level of Knowledge regarding infertility and used Likert’s attitude scale to assess attitude regarding infertility. Results: In this study, the total 60 sample under the study were 36(60%) samples 20-22 years old, 18 (30%) samples 23-25 years old, 06 (10%) samples 26-28 years old. Distribution of samples by gender is 36(60%) females and 24(40%) samples are male. Equally distributed samples by stream of study Science and Commerce is 30(50%). As regards marital status it was found that maximum samples 41(68.33%) were unmarried and 19(31.67%) samples were married. Distribution of samples by religion is maximum samples 48(80%) were Hindu and 12(20%) samples were Muslim. 39(65%) samples were living in the urban area and 21(35%) samples living in rural area. Before administration of structure teaching program 23.33% samples having good knowledge, 58.33% are having average knowledge and 18.34% are having poor knowledge regarding infertility. While 43.33% had negative attitude and 56.57% had positive attitude toward infertility. After administration of structure teaching program 68.33% having good knowledge, 23.33% having average and 8.34% having poor knowledge. While 18.33% samples had negative attitude and 81.67% had positive attitude toward infertility among students. That data obtained were analyzed and interpreted to using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of mean, standard deviation, “t” test and chi square test value. The mean post- test knowledge score 20.92 was higher than mean pre- test knowledge score 14.92 with mean difference of 5.94 and the calculated “t” value (6.63) was greater than table value “t” (2.00) among demographic variable qualification. Chi-square test to associate the level of knowledge, attitude with selected demographic variable. Conclusion: The finding indicates that the structured teaching program was a suitable and effective method of instruction for updating and enhancing the knowledge and attitude among college students.

Cite this article:
Ravina Patel, Divya Rohit. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding Infertility among College Students in selected Commerce and Science College of Visnagar Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(1):95-98. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00025.2

Ravina Patel, Divya Rohit. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding Infertility among College Students in selected Commerce and Science College of Visnagar Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(1):95-98. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00025.2   Available on:

1.    Diane M. Fraser, Margaret A. Cooper, “Myles textbook for midwives”; 5th edition; 2009; Published by Elsevier, London.
2.    Meenal kumar, Guide to fertility &pregnancy , 1st edition, Deep & Deep publications, New Delhi.
3.    D.C.Dutta, Text book of obstetrics;7th edition; 2011; published by New Central BookAgency (P) Ltd ,Kolkata.
4.    May [cited on 2019,] https://reproductive-health
5.    Feb [cited on 2018] URL:

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