Christina Rachel C, Ramesh. R. S, Subitha. L, Dinesh Kumar G
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Christina Rachel C1, Ramesh. R. S2, Subitha. L3, Dinesh Kumar G4
1M.Sc. Nursing (Community Health Nursing), JIPMER, Puducherry.
2Assistant Professor, Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, JIPMER Puducherry.
3Associate Professor, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, JIPMER Puducherry.
4Junior Resident, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, JIPMER Puducherry.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2020
Introduction: Menopause is a phase in which the transition occurs from the reproductive to the nonreproductive phase in a woman's life. It is necessary for all the women to understand menopause which will make them cope with menopausal symptoms and will also enhance the quality of life of menopause. Methods: A randomized control trial design study was conducted among 113 peri-menopausal women, 58 in the experimental group and 55 in the control group using a self-structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding menopausal symptoms and Menopause Rating Scale to assess the presence of menopausal symptoms. A structured teaching program and yoga therapy were the interventions in the experiment group and no intervention for the control group and Paired t test was used to assess the effectiveness of the interventions. Results: The present study revealed that the pretest and posttest mean knowledge score of experimental group (8.0 and 20.9) is significant at p<0.05 compared to the pretest and posttest mean knowledge score of control group (8.2 and 8.6). Yoga therapy is found to be effective in reducing the menopausal symptoms with pretest and posttest of menopausal symptoms in the experiment group (14.5 and 13.2) is significant at p<0.05 compared to the pretest and post test of mean scores of menopausal symptoms in the control group (14.3 and 13.9). Conclusion: The present study concludes that structured teaching program and yoga therapy is effective in improving the knowledge and reducing the menopausal symptoms among the perimenopausal women.
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Christina Rachel C, Ramesh. R. S, Subitha. L, Dinesh Kumar G. Does Structured teaching program and Yoga therapy improve knowledge and symptoms related to Menopause among perimenopausal women in Rural Puducherry? - A Randomized Controlled Trial. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(4):391-395. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00083.X
Christina Rachel C, Ramesh. R. S, Subitha. L, Dinesh Kumar G. Does Structured teaching program and Yoga therapy improve knowledge and symptoms related to Menopause among perimenopausal women in Rural Puducherry? - A Randomized Controlled Trial. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2020; 10(4):391-395. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2020.00083.X Available on:
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