Author(s): Prabha Grace CMC, Deepa George, Sumi Jose, Joice Maria CMC, Naveena CMC, Athul Tintu Tomy, Joicy T Mathew, Jitha P Thomas, Dona Francis, Tintu Poulose, Merin Joseph, Babitha C.B, Divya Dileep, Merin Andrews, Ashni Antu, Ginu Madhu


DOI: 10.52711/2349-2996.2022.00020   

Address: Prabha Grace CMC1, Deepa George2, Sumi Jose3, Joice Maria CMC4, Naveena CMC4, Athul Tintu Tomy4, Joicy T Mathew4, Jitha P Thomas4, Dona Francis4, Tintu Poulose4, Merin Joseph4, Babitha C.B4, Divya Dileep4, Merin Andrews4, Ashni Antu4, Ginu Madhu
1Principal, Carmel College of Nursing, Chunangamvely, Erumathala P O, Aluva 683112.
2Associate Professor, Carmel College of Nursing, Chunangamvely, Erumathala P O, Aluva 683112.
3Senior Lecturer, Carmel College of Nursing, Chunangamvely, Erumathala P O, Aluva 683112.
4Carmel College of Nursing, Chunangamvely, Erumathala P O, Aluva 683112.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2022

Purpose: The study aimed to assess the knowledge, anxiety, correlation between knowledge and anxiety among students and their parents regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its global spread. Design and method: The research design adopted was descriptive survey design. 146 parents and 158 students were selected by purposive sampling technique. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: 78.1% of the parents had good knowledge and 21.9% had average knowledge. 58.9 % of the parents had mild anxiety level, 36.3% had moderate anxiety level and 4.8% had severe anxiety level. 75.95 % of the students had good knowledge and 24.05 % had average knowledge. 66.46% of the students had mild anxiety level, 30.38% had moderate anxiety level and 3.16% had severe anxiety level. There is a negative correlation between knowledge and anxiety among parents (r = - 0.214), which is significant at p = < 0.05 (p = 0.009). The student’s knowledge has significant association with their age and anxiety has the significant association with their age and family income. The parent’s knowledge has significant association with education and anxiety has the significant association with age, occupation and number of family members. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of sample has average knowledge and moderate anxiety regarding COVID19.

Cite this article:
Prabha Grace CMC, Deepa George, Sumi Jose, Joice Maria CMC, Naveena CMC, Athul Tintu Tomy, Joicy T Mathew, Jitha P Thomas, Dona Francis, Tintu Poulose, Merin Joseph, Babitha C.B, Divya Dileep, Merin Andrews, Ashni Antu, Ginu Madhu. Knowledge and anxiety regarding COVID 19 pandemic among parents and students. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 12(1):98-1. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2022.00020

Prabha Grace CMC, Deepa George, Sumi Jose, Joice Maria CMC, Naveena CMC, Athul Tintu Tomy, Joicy T Mathew, Jitha P Thomas, Dona Francis, Tintu Poulose, Merin Joseph, Babitha C.B, Divya Dileep, Merin Andrews, Ashni Antu, Ginu Madhu. Knowledge and anxiety regarding COVID 19 pandemic among parents and students. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 2022; 12(1):98-1. doi: 10.52711/2349-2996.2022.00020   Available on:

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