Author(s): Nidhi Tripathi, Rashmi P. John, Pravesh Vishwakarma


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00009.4   

Address: Nidhi Tripathi1, Mrs. Rashmi P. John2, Dr. Pravesh Vishwakarma3
1M.Sc. Nursing (Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Nursing) KGMU College of Nursing, Lucknow, India
2Head of Medical Surgical Nursing, Principal College of Nursing, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India
3Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2021

Background: Pacemaker is a recommended therapy for treating the problems with the flow of electrical impulses in the heart, called arrhythmias, which is a general term meaning “there is an abnormality within the pattern of conduction or electrical rhythm.” Permanent pacemakers have significantly increased survival and improved quality of life for many patients with bradyarrhythmia. In India, about 1,00,000 patients suffer from bradycardia per annum. However, only 20,000 patients resort to pacemakers annually as meant for life time use but a number of them don’t have sufficient knowledge about living with a pacemaker which unintentionally leads to negligence of pacemaker home care management and further cause many direct and indirect life-threatening complications. However, lack of knowledge or misinformation in patients may end in self-imposed which can adversely affect ordinary day-to-day activities, especially when the patient discharged from the hospital after pacemaker implantation. Therefore, interested to require up the study to enhance patient’s knowledge. Objective: The study aims was to evaluate the efficacy of Information Booklet regarding home care management on knowledge among patients with permanent pacemaker. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was considered for this study. Total 97 samples were taken (one group pretest post-test design) from Cath Lab of LARI Cardiology Centre, department of cardiology of King George’s Medical University, Lucknow by purposive sampling technique. Information Booklet was developed regarding home care management of permanent pacemaker and given to the patients after pretest. Tools used were socio-demographic profile and self-structured knowledge questionnaire. Pre-test and post-test method used to test efficacy. Pre-test was done at first day of post -permanent pacemaker implantation and post-test was done after 2 weeks on patient’s first follow-up visit. Results: The present study revealed that initially a large proportion 52.6 % subjects had knowledge score below 40 % (poor level of knowledge) which after post-test improved and only 18.5 % left in poor category however 26.9 % reached to the good level of knowledge and 2.1 % was in excellent category even there was no patient in this category in pretest and only 2.1 % had good level of knowledge in pretest. On comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge scores there were significant improvement seen in mean knowledge score of the post-test 13.05±3.82 as compared to the pre-test 9.01±3.10. The increase in mean score was highly significant at p<0.001. Discussion: In the present study, Information Booklet regarding home care management was found effective in term of increasing knowledge of patients with permanent pacemaker and was helpful to made them independent in their activities of daily living. Therefore, such should be taught to the patients to improve pacemaker home care management, so that patient can adopt the changes made after pacemaker implantation which help to reduce the pacemaker related complications and prevent the chances of pacemaker’s malfunctioning.

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Nidhi Tripathi, Rashmi P. John, Pravesh Vishwakarma. Efficacy of Information Booklet regarding Home Care Management on Knowledge among Patients with Permanent Pacemaker. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(1):31-40. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00009.4

Nidhi Tripathi, Rashmi P. John, Pravesh Vishwakarma. Efficacy of Information Booklet regarding Home Care Management on Knowledge among Patients with Permanent Pacemaker. Asian J. Nursing Education and Research. 2021; 11(1):31-40. doi: 10.5958/2349-2996.2021.00009.4   Available on:

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